When Can You Give Your Puppy its First Bath? - Pet Fresh Dog Wash
Puppies come into a world full of dirt and grime, so it’s important to teach them early on how to take a bath. When you first bring your new puppy home from the breeder or shelter, there are some things you need to know about bathing them for the first time. A puppy requires a good routine of monthly baths because clean puppies are healthier, happier, and sweeter smelling.
According to most dog grooming professionals, a typical puppy first-time bath age is six to eight weeks old. By then, pups’ developing bodies can manage the experience without them feeling excessively warm or chilly.
Our self-serve convenient luxury dog washing stations provide the perfect experience for your pup’s first tubby. The water is at the perfect warm temperature that won’t harm your puppy’s sensitive skin, and when selected our dog products infuse into the hose to keep your pups wash quick and easy! We provide tearless shampoos, oatmeal shampoos, flea and tick removal, and ultra shine tearless conditioner that blends perfectly with the water!
A second washing is always advised, especially if the puppy has a double coat. Double coats are naturally water-repellent, so it’s usually better to bathe them twice by using our tearless shampoo first then repeating the process with our oatmeal shampoo. But remember, you should never overdo the shampoo. The last thing you want is to remove your puppy’s natural oils, which keep its skin moisturized and free from itchiness.
Although we have a dryer hose at all of our dog wash stations, we highly advise you to bring a towel for your puppy as well. Your little pal will still be cold and it will love its first bath with you even more when you carry him or her to your car wrapped in a towel to keep them extra comfy. It’s important to keep in mind that little pups don’t like to be cold! After all, they are so new to the world and you do not want to scare your puppy away from baths.
After its first bath, you will most likely not need to bathe your puppy again for at least two to four weeks after you have begun bathing. Unless your pooch got really filthy or somehow splashed in salty water then you should give it a bath as soon as possible because puppies do not have a strong enough immune system to combat the debris as well as older dogs. It is important to get your pup on a good washing schedule because dogs are all about routines!
Bathing a puppy is an absolute broadway production and it’s a wonderful chance for you to build a strong bond with your new little friend. And what is better place to do than Pet Fresh Dog Wash?
We hope to see you and your little pup soon!
Puppies come into a world full of dirt and grime, so it’s important to teach them early on how to take a bath. When you first bring your new puppy home from the breeder or shelter, there are some things you need to know about bathing them for the first time. A puppy requires a good routine of monthly baths because clean puppies are healthier, happier, and sweeter smelling.
According to most dog grooming professionals, a typical puppy first-time bath age is six to eight weeks old. By then, pups’ developing bodies can manage the experience without them feeling excessively warm or chilly.

Our self-serve convenient luxury dog washing stations provide the perfect experience for your pup’s first tubby. The water is at the perfect warm temperature that won’t harm your puppy’s sensitive skin, and when selected our dog products infuse into the hose to keep your pups wash quick and easy! We provide tearless shampoos, oatmeal shampoos, flea and tick removal, and ultra shine tearless conditioner that blends perfectly with the water!
A second washing is always advised, especially if the puppy has a double coat. Double coats are naturally water-repellent, so it’s usually better to bathe them twice by using our tearless shampoo first then repeating the process with our oatmeal shampoo. But remember, you should never overdo the shampoo. The last thing you want is to remove your puppy’s natural oils, which keep its skin moisturized and free from itchiness.
Although we have a dryer hose at all of our dog wash stations, we highly advise you to bring a towel for your puppy as well. Your little pal will still be cold and it will love its first bath with you even more when you carry him or her to your car wrapped in a towel to keep them extra comfy. It’s important to keep in mind that little pups don’t like to be cold! After all, they are so new to the world and you do not want to scare your puppy away from baths.
After its first bath, you will most likely not need to bathe your puppy again for at least two to four weeks after you have begun bathing. Unless your pooch got really filthy or somehow splashed in salty water then you should give it a bath as soon as possible because puppies do not have a strong enough immune system to combat the debris as well as older dogs. It is important to get your pup on a good washing schedule because dogs are all about routines!
Bathing a puppy is an absolute broadway production and it’s a wonderful chance for you to build a strong bond with your new little friend. And what is better place to do than Pet Fresh Dog Wash?
We hope to see you and your little pup soon!